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May 10, 2022 - BY Admin

Benefits of an Ergonomic Footrest

Posture –
For those sitting all day, posture is the last thing you may think of. Without proper tools like an ergonomic chair and an ergonomic footrest, your posture may degrade or go out of alignment. To achieve proper posture, keep both feet on the footrest while keeping your legs horizontal to the floor.

Circulation - Sitting or lying for too long with no activity can lead to poor blood circulation. Without proper activity or a footrest, this also may lead to blood clots or even varicose veins. Keeping your feet up on an ergonomic footrest greatly reduces your chances of developing these types of circulatory conditions.

Back problems - Too long in an office environment with a chair and improperly positioned feet can put strain on your spine. This will lead to discomfort, lost productivity and possibly great injury in the future. With a footrest, you can sit all the way back into the chair and not slouch while putting undue pressure on your spine and back region.

Shorter physiques – If you’re a person with a shorter physique, you may have problems consistently reaching the floor with your feet and therefore keeping your legs up in the air. This can cause weight distribution issues and create discomfort in your back and other regions. With a footrest, you have the added support for your legs, feet and back.
Although not commonly thought of, a person’s feet can impact their back, legs and other areas without the proper support. For those in need of additional support, a ergonomic footrest is a perfect way to add that required support while avoiding possible injury.

Generally, people are not aware of the fact that a person’s feet can impact their back, legs and other areas without the proper support. Ergo works has designed a foot rest on the principles of Ergonomic research and study, a footrest which is a perfect way to add that required support while avoiding possible injury.